New Trend In Finland – Nude Poker!

HELSINKI: Nude Poker has been taken to a whole new level in Finland, where nude women have been spotted playing card games at a nude casino in Helsinki.
A Finnish newspaper photographed nude women behind closed doors playing Texas Hold’em Poker at the Atlantis Casino just off the main strip in downtown Helsinki.
On Tuesday, the pictures were published showing nude females sitting around a table as nude men were seated at another.
All the players in the nude photographs are wearing name tags, and some appear to be texting on their phones.
On the wall next to the nude card players, there is a photo of a nude woman looking over her shoulder with a poker chip between her legs.
Local Finns have had mixed feelings about the nude poker game.
“It is not something I would enjoy seeing, but it’s their choice,” Helsinki resident Elisa Nieminen told Finnish news site YLE.
“On the one hand, it seems like a more innocent nude thing than strip clubs.”
However, another Finn criticized the nude poker game as “not normal.”
“I don’t think it’s appropriate in a public place,” Helsinki resident Riku Nieminen said.
It’s not clear how long nude Poker has been played at the Atlantis Casino, but Finns on social media say they have seen nude women playing there before.
The nude card game is part of the Artemis Poker Festival from August 30 to September 4.
The nude poker tournament has been advertised on the Facebook page of the Atlantis Casino since July with a photo of nude women around a nude table.
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